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How to create your own article archive for newsletters, meeting minutes, etc.

There is an easy way to have listings on your site of newsletters you have sent out, minutes from meetings, and other articles that you'd like to list out for your users and members. Here's how . . . .

Let's say that you want to have a page on your site where you have a list of board meetings and links to download the meeting minutes file from each meeting.

1. First you would create an article as a placeholder and note its article ID #.
2. Then plan where you would like it to be in terms of menu'ing or sub-menu'ing. Revise your menu template so that you add the menu/sub-menu in the appropriate place, and then submit the the menu template to us via Support Tracker.
3. Now you add content to the article. It might be something as simple as the following:

Thursday, February 10th, 2011 Board Meeting
Download the Minutes file

Thursday, March 10th, 2011 Board Meeting
Download the Minutes file

Thursday, April 14th, 2011 Board Meeting
Download the Minutes file

4. Then let's say you have Word files with summaries of the board meeting minutes. You can upload them to your website's File & Image Repository; copy the download link for your February 10th meeting. Then edit the article you have created and insert the link into the "Download the Minutes file" words for the first meeting above, in our example. Repeat for any other Meeting Minutes files that you have, and then save your article.

What else?

For the example above, we would generally recommend that you upload PDF files instead of Word files. There is less risk of transmitting a virus, and there is almost zero risk that anyone could ever make changes to your file without your knowledge or permission.

Now let's say that you want to have a list of eNewsletters that you have sent out. There are multiple ways of doing this, but this approach is straightforward. We'll assume 2 things here: (1) that you are on the recipient list for the eNewsletters that your organization sends out; and (2) that you have the ability on your computer to create PDF files. (If #2 isn't true for you, then you would need to purchase at least the Standard version of Adobe Acrobat, although many programs--including the Macintosh OS--allow you to create PDFs of what you are viewing on screen.) Create a PDF of the email that you received; upload it to your File & Image Repository; and you are then set to repeat the process described above.

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