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Using the video player for your online training videos

Some quick tips on using the online video player . . . .

Using the Video Player for training your admin users is easy. All you need is a comfortable chair, your computer, and a broadband connection to the internet.

A few notes about the video player. We've added all the standard controls for your convenience to the online video player so that you'll be able to pause or stop the video whenever you want and also navigate to any particular place within the video.

Note: if the video seems "jerky" as you're watching it, click the Pause button in the lower left-hand corner of the video screen (it's the button all the way on the left), and allow the video to fully download before continuing to view it. What's likely happening is that your internet connection isn't consistently fast enough to let the video stream download as it should. If you pause--not Stop, but Pause--the video, that will allow it to finish downloading to your computer so that you can watch it smoothly. In other words, Pause the video; let it download fully; watch the video; and then repeat for the next video.

In the bar to the right of the video controls, you'll see the bar turn light blue from left to right as the video loads. When the bar turns entirely light blue, this particular video will have completely downloaded. The time the video takes to download will depend on the speed of your internet connection and the length of the particular video you're watching.

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