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Processing Manual Payments

How do you handle things when your event attendees or other purchasers on your website pay you by check or in cash? Can you still have these payments flow through your site so that you have all your revenue info in one place? The answer is yes . . . .

Manual Payment Defined: When a user/customer pays your organization with check, cash, etc... In other words, any payment that requires an administrator's involvement. The idea is simple: When a customer pays "manually," an admin will M.A.U. ("Masquerade As User") as the user and use a Credit Card Bypass Code (CCB Code) as if it were a real credit card to perform the transaction instead of the customer.

The steps:
Step 1 - Go to Manage Store and copy the CBB Code to your clipboard. The CCB code is the 16-character alphanumeric code at the top of the Manage Store admin screen just below the "Manage Items" link. The CCB code changes every day on your system. Make sure there are no leading/trailing spaces when you copy the CCB code.

Step 2- M.A.U. as the user. Go to Manage Users, find the user, and click the M.A.U. link. This will "make the system think" that you are the customer.

Step 3 - Start shopping. Go ahead and buy whatever it is the customer paid for (membership, renewal, event tickets, etc...).

Step 4 - Check out. Same as you would with a regular transaction, only this time you will enter the CCB Code as the credit card number. This will trigger a hidden drop-down to the right where you can select the payment type (Cash, Check, etc...). This will also tell the system to automatically approve the transaction without ever checking with your credit card gateway or merchant bank (hence the name "Credit Card Bypass"). As an option, you can enter some details in the Comments box at the bottom of the Checkout page (stuff like check number etc...).

Step 5 - Confirm and Submit the transaction as you normally would. That's it -- you're done!

Step 6 - Now, click on the Home link in the main nav-bar (this will make sure you get our of the secure mode--you'll be able to confirm this when you no longer see the web address no longer begins with https: for the page you're on) and remember to click the Reverse MAU link in the upper left corner of your screen so that you go back to your own admin account (otherwise you will continue to be the customer as far as the system is concerned).

Wait, what about Phone Orders and hard-copy order-forms with credit card information?
In this case, you will have a real credit card number from the customer, so all you need to do is M.A.U. as your purchaser and then enter the transaction with the supplied credit card number (essentially skipping the CCB Code.)

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