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Cybersource Error Codes

If you are using Cybersource as your credit card gateway provider, you may occasionally have issues with processing a credit card. Here is a list of common Cybersource error codes.

Note that this list may not be current; it was created in early 2009. If you have questions after reviewing it, please contact Cybersource to check directly with them about the error code you are seeing.


AN-CS-100 = "Successful transaction."

AN-CS-102 = "One or more fields in the request are missing or invalid.
Possible action: Resend the request with the correct information."

AN-CS-150 = "Error: General system failure.
Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request."

AN-CS-151 = "Error: The request was received, but a server time-out occurred. This error does not include time-outs between the client and the server.
Possible action: To avoid duplicating the order, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the order status in the Business Center."

AN-CS-152 = "Error: The request was received, but a service did not finish running in time.
Possible action: To avoid duplicating the order, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the order status in the Business Center."

AN-CS-200 = "The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the Address Verification Service (AVS) check.
Possible action: You can capture the authorization, but consider reviewing the order for the possibility of fraud."

AN-CS-202 = "Expired card.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment."

AN-CS-203 = "General decline of the card. No other information provided by the issuing bank.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment."

AN-CS-204 = "Insufficient funds in the account.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment."

AN-CS-205 = "Stolen or lost card.
Possible action: Review the customer's information and determine if you want to request a different card from the customer.");

AN-CS-207 = "Issuing bank unavailable.
Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request."

AN-CS-208 = "Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment."

AN-CS-210 = "The card has reached the credit limit.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment."

AN-CS-211 = "The card verification number is invalid.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment."

AN-CS-220 = "The processor declined the request based on a general issue with the customer's account.
Possible action: Request a different form of payment.");

AN-CS-221 = "The customer matched an entry on the processor’s negative file.
Possible action: Review the order and contact the payment processor."

AN-CS-222 = "The customer's bank account is frozen.
Possible action: Review the order or request a different form of payment.");

AN-CS-230 = "The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource because it did not pass the card verification number check.
Possible action: You can capture the authorization, but consider reviewing the order for the possibility of fraud."

AN-CS-231 = "Invalid account number.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment."

AN-CS-232 = "The card type is not accepted by the payment processor.
Possible action: Request a different card or other form of payment. Also, check with CyberSource Customer Support to make sure that your account is configured correctly."

AN-CS-233 = "The processor declined the request based on an issue with the request itself.
Possible action: Request a different form of payment."

AN-CS-234 = "There is a problem with your CyberSource merchant configuration.
Possible action: Do not resend the request. Contact Customer Support to correct the configuration problem."

AN-CS-236 = "Processor failure.
Possible action: Possible action: Wait a few minutes and resend the request."

AN-CS-240 = "The card type sent is invalid or does not correlate with the credit card number.
Possible action: Ask your customer to verify that the card is really the type indicated in your Web store, then resend the request."

AN-CS-250 = "Error: The request was received, but a time-out occurred with the payment processor.
Possible action: To avoid duplicating the transaction, do not resend the request until you have reviewed the transaction status in the Business Center."

AN-CS-475 = "The customer is enrolled in payer authentication.
Possible action: Authenticate the cardholder before continuing with the transaction."

AN-CS-476 = "The customer cannot be authenticated.
Possible action: Review the customer's order.");

AN-CS-520 = "The authorization request was approved by the issuing bank but declined by CyberSource based on your Smart Authorization settings.
Possible action: Do not capture the authorization without further review. Review the avsCode, cvResult, and factorCode fields to determine why CyberSource rejected the request."

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