Welcome to the OmniMagnet Support


Guidelines for Support Tracker

Help us help you. Here are the 7 things we need you to do when submitting Support requests via your site's online Support Tracker.

1. Please provide a separate Tracker item for each topic--i.e., we need a separate Tracker item for your Menu Template submission; a separate Tracker item for your Portal Page template submission; a separate item for your MUUT submission; etc.

In other words, if you were to cram multiple subjects worth of Support requests into a single Tracker item, if's going to be hard for you and us to manage this process. Also, if 6 weeks or 6 months down the road you or we ever need to go back and reference/look up a particular question or answer, we'll have a tough time finding the right Tracker item if each Tracker item contains multiple support topics.

2. Please have all of your replies to an ongoing Support topic be within their own Support Tracker item.
We do not want you to create a brand-new Tracker item/subject each time you want to reply to an ongoing Support request for, say, your Menu Template. If you have created a Tracker item to submit your Menu Template and we have replied to it once with a couple questions for you, you should reply with your answers _inside_ this already-existing Tracker thread. Please do not create separate Tracker items for each one of your replies to an ongoing Tracker item.

If a few weeks/months down the road, you need to come back and make changes in your menu template, it's ok then to create a new Tracker item. Or you could re-open the original, too. Either way is fine. We just want to make sure that each ongoing Support conversation stays within its own Tracker item.

3. Be specific. Be specific. Be specific. (...yes, we really did mean to say this three times here....)
Ambiguity is your enemy and ours also. If you want us to answer a question about an email that gets autosent from your site, please provide at least part--but preferably all--of the relevant text. If you want us to answer a question about a particular web page on your site, we need to have the exact address of the page you want us to view. 

4. Please number your requests.

If you have multiple questions about an item, please number them. This makes the back and forth between us quite a bit clearer. Without numbering items that have multiple questions, the back and forth can get confusing.  

5. We need to have the download link for files that you want us to work on. Just telling us that you uploaded it to your Files & Image Repository isn't enough.
For Tracker items where there is a file that we need to work on (such as the MUUT, the portal page template, the menu template, etc.), please create the Tracker item for the Support request and then within that Tracker item be sure to include the download link so that our engineers know which file they are supposed to work on.

Not sure how to get this download link? Check out this short one-and-a-half minute training video that walks you through how to obtain it.

(We realize this may seem arbitrarily strict, but we really do have good reasons for letting our engineers work only on the specific files that clients tell us to. Without that link, they don't officially "know" which file the client intends them to work on. On some client sites, it would be easy to figure out which file is the right one if they weren't told; on others it would be difficult/impossible. So we have a standard policy/procedure that the client has to explicitly tell us which file, and a client does that by providing the download link.)

6. As you go through your implementation process, we ask that you differentiate in how you prioritize your support requests. In other words, please don't place everything at "High" priority (unless your launch is a day or two away--then we understand the necessity.)

Even when items are placed at lower priority levels, we do our best to turn them around as quickly as possible. That said, we do rely on our clients appropriately prioritizing items, and we trust that there will be a mix of High, Medium, and Low (with "Critical" only being used in case of true emergency.) If everything is always at "high" priority when the launch is still probably a week or two away, that can take our attention away from other clients who are about to launch or who do really need our immediate attention.

In addition, some of your implementation items will be of higher priority to you than others. If we don't get any differentiation on your items, we're going to have a tough time figuring out which ones you need/want to have done first. (And they won't/can't all get done at once.)

Bottom line, we will do everything we can to move the process along quickly from our end, but--to paraphrase the classic words of Jerry McGuire--help us help you.

7. When posting replies to an ongoing Support Tracker item, be sure to post your replies ONLY TO LEVEL 1. Even if you're replying to a question from our Level 3 or 4 Support, Client-level replies should go ONLY to Level 1. If you post to any Level other than Level 1, it falls off the normal track, and we may not catch it for a while.

8. Please reserve your use of the "Critical" assignment to major issues that affect the functioning of your site -- users can't login, eCommerce isn't working, or where something is actually broken. Feel free to assign Support Tracker items to "High" priority, but please be judicious with your use of the "Critical" assignment -- i.e., it's not intended for when you're having issues with formatting an article (no matter how frustrating this might be "in the moment.") This really does need to be reserved for items that affect your site's overall functionality. We need to have clients using "Critical" only for critical items, so that when _you_ have an item that really does require immediate attention, we can give it to you.


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