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Sign up for Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a simple, yet powerful tool used to analyze web traffic on your site.

Web Traffic Reports are an important measure of your site performance. How many visitors checked out your site yesterday? At what times? What browsers were they using? And where did they came from? These questions and many more can be answered by a simple yet powerful tool called Google Analytics (GA). Oh, by the way, it also happens to be free.

Before we get into the steps, let's start from the end: all we need from you is a few lines of code generated by the Google Analytics tool. We take this snippet and place it in your site's template so that we can activate the tracking. The following few steps will guide you through how to get your GA code snippet to us.

Step #1 (5-15 minutes) - Get a gmail account for your site:

Go to gmail.com , and sign up for a free gmail account for your site. Please use yourdomain@gmail.com as the address--this will help us to serve you more efficiently. So, for example, say your website's address is 'abc.org' - you should get a gmail address for 'abc.org@gmail.com'.

Step #2 (5-15 minutes) - Go to the GA site and Watch the Tour:

Point your browser to http://www.google.com/analytics/ and look for the "Watch the tour" button at the bottom left. It is a short video which does 2 things:
a) It gives a quick overview of the GA tool.
b) It guides you through the process of getting the snippet (they call it "Custom Javascript").

Step #3 (1-2 minutes) - Post the snippet as a Support item via your website's Support Tracker admin screen

That's it. Easy does it. The whole process should take 10-30 minutes.

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