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Testing your ecommerce setup on The Magnet

Once you have set up your credit card gateway, it's time to run some test transactions to make sure you're 100% ready!

1. After we have set up ecommerce on your site (please see instructions based on the merchant gateway you have chosen), you will need to run test transactions on your site.

2. Do the testing on your Magnet website.

2.1. Set up a $1 ticket (type: "general").

Manage Store ==> Manage Items ==> Add Item ==> create a $1 "test ticket" and make it available for purchase now (by setting the "Availability Date" fields to some date and time before "now.")

2.2. Once you have set up the ticket, go to your store (yourdomain.com/store.html) and do a $1 transaction with every credit card your site accepts. Note: you may need to configure your gateway to accept certain credit cards and ask us to configure your site to accept them as well. 

3. Confirm that the transactions have actually gone through. To be thorough, you should follow the money, and this is a 3-step process.

3.1. On your Magnet system, go to the Manage Store admin menu and confirm that the transaction shows up there.

3.2. Then log in to your gateway account (Cybersource or Authorize.net), and confirm that the transaction shows up there, too.

3.3. Finally, later that day or the next day, log in to your group's bank merchant account, and confirm that the money was actually swept into your bank account.

Once you have confirmed that the money from your transaction(s) has made it through to your bank account, you have completed the testing, and you are ready to start doing ecommerce on your website!

Note: What if I want to do refunds now or for a past transaction? Click here for details.

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