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Implementation: Change your DNS Name Server entries

So, you've uploaded all the content to your new site. Your user db is in place. Your merchant account has been tested. Only one step left - going live.

The following are the name server entries you will need for your Registrar:


Go to your domain registrar's website and log in to it with your account there. Once you have logged in, you will need to go to the place within your account where you would change the domain name server entries. On the page where this change will be made, there will likely be anywhere from 2 to 6 separate fields where you can put in the new name server entries (see the list immediately before this paragraph.) In addition, this is only true for the implementation process.  Existing clients should not have to alter their name server settings.

If there are not enough fields for all 6 of the above entries, there will will likely be a button or a link you can click to "add more" name server entry fields. If so, add enough fields to accommodate all 6 of the above entries. If there isn't any way of adding more fields, just put in as many as there is room for, starting with the NS10 entry above and proceeding down from there.

Once you have entered the new entries, alert us via your site's Support Tracker to let us know you have done so. There are changes to your setup we will need to make here in order to accept your name server entry changes, and your site will not launch until we have done so. Once these change, allow 24-48 hours for the new dns info to propagate throughout the Internet.

If you do not know who your registrar is, contact us and we can help.

Important note about your incoming-mail: Our Platform does NOT provide email hosting (this refers to incoming email addresses such as membership@yourdomain.org, president@yourdomain.org, etc.)

If you have these kind of email addresses you will need to find an email host (these companies are common and easy to find.) We like GoDaddy, but it's up to you to select a provider. You can also elect to maintain your old host to keep your email. More details are available.

Why are we raising this e-mail hosting issue here? Once you transfer the DNS, we need to change the MX records (Mail Exchange, which is the portion of the Name Server records directing e-mail traffic) to your choice of email host. If we do not do this, your incoming emails will get lost. Call us at 805-523-9900, x203 if you have any questions whatsoever, and we'll guide you!

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