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Redundancies Sniffer

This page allows you to manage all the functionality associated with the Redundancies Sniffer.

Tab Headings
Users. Shows by default a list of the first 30 users in your user database.
Groups. Shows by default a list of all groups that have been created in your user database.
Classifications. Shows by default a list of all classifications that have been created in your user database.
Unsubscribe. Allows you to unsubscribe one or more users from your enewsletter subscription list.
Redundancies Sniffer. Shows a list of all records that the system believes are potential duplicates of other records.
Auxillary Sync. For Enterprise Clients only. Synchronizes user records in your database to an external database.

The Redundancies Sniffer looks through your user database and lists potential duplicate records. The Sniffer will catch many--but typically not all--of your potential duplicates. For instance, records with a married and maiden names will typically not be caught.

Clicking on the link for a user with potential duplicate records will open a Consolidate Accounts screen where you will select--field by field--which record's information will survive in the consolidated record/account.

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