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Submit/Edit Article

This page allows you to create and submit an article for your website.

* * * NOTE: Do not open more than one article editing session at a time--i.e., you can edit only one (1) article at a time. If you open more than one article editing session, you may lose content in one of the sessions. * * *


Section Headings
Topic - the type of article: About, Help, News, Events, Member Benefits, Jobs, Sponsors
Format - where a picture (if one is used) will show on the finished page; also contains an option to have the page be pure html (for experts only!)
Headline - title of the article.
Sub-head - a sub-heading that shows up in bold below the headline and in a smaller font size than the headline; limited html tags are allowed here.
Body text - the body text of your article; html tags allowed here.
Article Image - add images through the Choose File button.
Image Caption - add a caption to your image.
Article Expiration date - how long the article will be visible on your site.
Event date - optional field: only required if the article type is an event.
Preview article button - used to preview an article and see how it looks.
Submit for publishing button - used to submit an article once you have completed your article and want to see how it looks. (Note: if your admin privileges are restricted to Submitting Articles, you will not be able to further edit this article once you Submit it for publishing.

1. Use a picture with an article whenever possible--a graphic will add impact to your event article everywhere that the article shows.
2. The Article Expiration date is set to a default value of one year from its date of creation. Change this to be at least a few years longer; some clubs set it for five or more years in the future. As you add more and more content to your website, you will have a richer history of content for people in the future to look back over. Don't shortchange yourselves by having your content disappear from your website prematurely.
3. Note that once you Preview the article, you will be able to see how your article looks on the same page that you are doing the editing on. This makes it very easy to fine-tune your article and get it looking exactly the way you'd like it to--this is a great place to experiment with different looks.

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